Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics

In order to promote the profession of mathematics teaching, ACTM began a scholarship program nearly 20 years ago to provide scholarships to junior/senior level undergraduate students who are majoring in mathematics education. Winners receive $1500 and are selected on a competitive basis.  In 2016-17, ACTM began considering strong elementary education majors with strong ability in mathematics for these scholarships.  The applications for each are on this page.


Please review the attached instructions before completing the application at the link on this page.

Have a question, email the ACTM scholarship team here.


The application portal can be found here

Professional recommendations are due by the same dates below. Recommendations for applicants are submitted here. Please provide the link to your recommending professionals. 


Complete submissions must be submitted online by October 1st each year for end of Fall semester scholarships. March 1st each year for end of Spring semester scholarships.  ACTM will announce calendar year winners at the annual fall forum conference. 

Past Winners
Click here for a listing of past winners.

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