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Registration and Flyers for each tournament can be found on our website on the following page
Want to take your students to compete in math tournaments across the state? Contact the people using the table below to find out more information.
Institution | Location | Contact | Levels |
Alabama School of Fine Arts | Birmingham | Ms. Hungsin Chin, hchin@asfa.k12.al.us | 6th grade, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry |
Albertville High | Albertville | - | - |
Berry-Simmons @ Berry Middle | Hoover | Susan Clopton, SClopton@hoover.k12.al.us | Grades 6-8 |
Boaz High | Boaz | - | - |
Briarwood Christian | Birmingham | Leah Anderson, Landerson@bcsk12.org | Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II |
Cedar Ridge Middle | Decatur | Ms. Jeannie Simpson, jsimpson@crms.dcs.edu | Grades 6-8 |
Cullman Middle | Cullman | Ms. Susan Sellers, susan.sellers@cullmancats.net | Grades 5-7 |
Douglas High | Douglas | - | - |
Enterprise State Community College | Enterprise | - | Geometry, Algebra II, Comprehensive |
Fairview Middle | Cullman | Ms. Tammy Wiley, twiley@ccboe.org & Ms. Leslie Needham, lneedham@ccboe.org | grades 6-8 |
Grissom High School | Huntsville | Ms. Cindy Rodgers, crodgers@HSV.K12.AL.US | Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Comprehensive |
Hoover High School | Hoover | Ms. Bonnie Campbell, bcfampbell@hoover.k12.al.us | Grades 7-12 |
Muscle Shoals Middle | Muscle Shoals | Ms. MaryAnn Stegall, mstegall@mscs.k12.al.us | Grades 6-8 |
Pizitz Middle | Vestavia Hills | Ms. Nancy Chilton, chiltonnm@vestavia.k12.al.us | Grades 6-8 |
Randolph School | Huntsville | Ms. Linda Hanon, lhanson@randolphschool.net | grades 5-6 |
Rocket City Math League http://www.rocketcitymath.org/ |
Huntsville | Ms. Cindy Rodgers, crodgers@HSV.K12.AL.US | grades 4-8 |
UAB Math Talent Search Contest | Birmingham | Dr. Alexander Blokh, ablokh@math.uab.edu, http://www.math.uab.edu/ablokh/outreach.html | Grades 10-11 |
Vestavia Hills High | Vestavia Hills | Ms. Kay Tipton, tiptonkw@vestavia.k12.al.us | Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Comprehensive |
West Point Middle | Cullman | Leah Drauch, ldrauch@ccboe.org | Grades 6-8 |