Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Associate Affiliate Membership

This site manages the NCTM Partner Affiliate ACTM membership only.
We will be most happy to send your donation to the respective associate [regional] affiliates of NCTM in Alabama.
If you would like to make a donation, use our donations form below to do so.
The ACTM treasurer will provide the funds accordingly

If you have any questions, please consult the affiliate chapter's officers. Thank you!

Input ONE of the following into the Comments field:
CACTM (Central)
WACTM (West)
SACTM (South)
EACTM (East)

Donations will be forwarded to the respective associate affiliate you designate.
**Donations do not include membership in ACTM, but your regional affiliate will grant membership to their affiliate with a minimum of $5.00 donation.
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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*School or Organization
*Primary E-Mail
Secondary E-Mail
*Primary Phone
Cell Phone
*Preferred Mailing Address
*Zip Code
*Grade Level Taught
Administrator email (if applicable)
Enter your administrator's contact email when registering them as a guest for the fall conference, otherwise leave blank for membership applications.
Major Professor email (if preservice)
If registering for membership or annual conference as a preservice teacher, include your major professor's email address for verification.
*Amount ($USD)
Payment frequency
© 2013 Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics
All rights reserved.

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